Flat vs Curved Screens, 1.2

Watt IntegrationImage, Resources

We’ve addressed this question in a prior chat and are updating to add curved projection screens. The Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show featured a number of curved screen panel TVs. This creates a whole new set of questions for consumers.  Major manufacturers Samsung and LG produce curved screens and are strongly promoting them although the majority of their sales remain …

9 Things to Love about Motorized Shades

Kimberlee WattImage, Lighting, News, Scottsdale, Shades and Blinds, Standard

    At Watt Integration we’ve learned that to master light is to enhance décor, atmosphere, mood, and even the security of your home. Motorized shades are your paintbrush and your home is the canvas. Motorized window treatments once seen primarily in the office, store and boardroom, have been beautified and upgraded in status and are now an important part …